Αντιγράφω επιστολή αναγνώστριας με τίτλο “Humour’s unpredictability puts it out of AI’s reach”, η οποία δημοσιεύθηκε στην Φαϊνάνσιαλ Τάιμς της 26 Απριλίου 2024. Πνευματώδης, μάλλον ακριβής και ασφαλώς αισιόδοξη – έτσι δεν είναι;
“It’s said that the artificially intelligent can write jokes, but can they make them funny in the telling? Can they ‘learn’ that magical alchemy that is delivery; the blend of timing, facial expression and vocal inflection that is largely instinctive?
It seems unlikely given that so much of the truly funny is unpredictable. It can’t be planned ahead because it happens in real time, in the complex interaction between comedian and audience…
And so artificial general intelligence — that is the type of artificial intelligence that can perform as well or better than humans on a wide range of cognitive tasks — may well be capable of reasoning, planning and other forms of looking ahead but if it can’t improvise ‘on the spot’, its reach is surely limited.
As long as inspired spontaneity, or true ingenuity, is beyond the scope of artificial intelligence, I can’t fear that it will take over the world.
If it can’t ‘think on its feet’, it can’t beat us at our own game.”
Guido Alfani Long-term trends in wealth inequality have been the object of considerable recent attention and their analysis allows for a better understanding of the
Η τεχνητή νοημοσύνη δεν μπορεί…
Αντιγράφω επιστολή αναγνώστριας με τίτλο “Humour’s unpredictability puts it out of AI’s reach”, η οποία δημοσιεύθηκε στην Φαϊνάνσιαλ Τάιμς της 26 Απριλίου 2024. Πνευματώδης, μάλλον ακριβής και ασφαλώς αισιόδοξη – έτσι δεν είναι;
“It’s said that the artificially intelligent can write jokes, but can they make them funny in the telling? Can they ‘learn’ that magical alchemy that is delivery; the blend of timing, facial expression and vocal inflection that is largely instinctive?
It seems unlikely given that so much of the truly funny is unpredictable. It can’t be planned ahead because it happens in real time, in the complex interaction between comedian and audience…
And so artificial general intelligence — that is the type of artificial intelligence that can perform as well or better than humans on a wide range of cognitive tasks — may well be capable of reasoning, planning and other forms of looking ahead but if it can’t improvise ‘on the spot’, its reach is surely limited.
As long as inspired spontaneity, or true ingenuity, is beyond the scope of artificial intelligence, I can’t fear that it will take over the world.
If it can’t ‘think on its feet’, it can’t beat us at our own game.”
Margaret McGirr
Greenwich, CT, US
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